
I have previously run various projects, some for fun, some to help out others.

Here are a few of them. I may provide details pages later on if i am permitted and have time.



Web Shop

This one was a quick solution for my friends at Gundam Mad. They needed a quick website over lockdown to sell their Anime DVDs on.

I've been playing around with the idea of a generic web shop design for a while in code. The design is a heavly modified version of a purchased webssite template creeated in India by a UI/UX expert called Gurdeep Osahan.

The logo for the website was produced as a custom item for the site owner.



Music Player

A Personal project for personal ammusement.

Built on my old steel design for my website, this was designed as a community player for music so that we could all listen to music together in the office either using headphones or speakers.

This was done before i fully understood how streams work, but is a decent example of synchronisation of multiple clients using SignalR to play music simultaineously over a standard HTML 5 audio element.